In the spirit of the season (and whether you celebrate Christmas or not), Devonshire public school holds a fantastic annual Gingerbread House Making event that will allow you to explore both your creativity and your sweet tooth The details are below. Enjoy!
Devonshire School Council is pleased to present its Annual Gingerbread House Decorating event on Saturday, December 8th! The school is located at 100 Breezehill Avenue North which is just west of the O-train tracks and just south of Somerset St. West.
Each house costs $20 or you can purchase 2 houses for $35. Refreshments will also be available for purchase. Proceeds go to support the school.
If you plan to attend, please register. You can download the registration form directly from the school's website at: http://devonshireparents.wordpress.com/2012/11/22/its-gingerbread-house-building-time/